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Our Team
The Iron Patriots began in 2011, formed in a shabby classroom, tucked away in the back of Liberty High School. With just 10 students, the team could have never have imagined what they would become today. In 12 years, the team has built up and spread the love of STEM throughout the community. Today we have grown from 10 students to 42 and 2 mentors to 12. Aimed at equipping students with the skills and initiative to become future leaders and inspire passion for STEM in Western Washington, if our signature white pants don't catch your eye, then our tireless work to spread FIRST ideals throughout our community will!
Through our team's improvement over the years, we have been honored with nearly 30 awards and recognitions, the most prestigious being the FIRST Impact Award, which "honors the team that best represents a model for other teams to emulate and best embodies the mission of FIRST". Through our extensive outreach initiatives, our team has received the FIRST Impact Award 4 times in our history, the most recent being at the 2023 PNW District Championship, where only 2 winners are chosen out of the whole Pacific Northwest. On top of our outreach accolades, we have also been bestowed with various awards recognizing our technical prowess, including ones relating to robot design and software development.

Our officer team

Akash K.
Yash P.
Rachel K.
Rookie Season: 2022
head of design
Rookie Season: 2022
Head of hardware
Rookie Season: 2022

Ryder K.
Rookie Season: 2023
Favorite FRC Moment: Being taught Onshape when I first joined

Rei G.
Rookie Season: 2023
Favorite FRC Moment: Meeting people from all around the world at Worlds
head of electronics

Alex G.
Rookie Season: 2022
Head of software
Photo coming soon!
James K.
Rookie Season: 2024
head of media

Kean M.
Rookie Season: 2023
Favorite FRC Moment: Buying vegan ramen at HEB at Worlds
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